Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So here is my little girl. Actually, she's always been more of a tom boy. She never liked frilly dresses, bows or ribbons in her hair. She was the son I've always wanted. LOL.
Holly currently lives in Alva, Ok. But that is soon going to be changing. I love her and her husband Gabe so much, and miss them so much. She recently came to visit, and I was surprised at how much she's grown up. She's this different person in a way that I get to learn about as a person.
She's always been more then just a daughter to me. She's been my best friend. She's always been more mature then her age, and I think that's why I felt so comfortable talking to her. I love that she has a big heart when it comes to her husband and her pets. She has tremendous love for both. But mostly for her husband. I like that they are not just husband and wife, but best friends. Anyone that has been around them sees what I'm talking about.
I can't wait for them to start adding to their family, but I want them to wait until this ugly system of things is over so that they can enjoy their children in a perfect paradise.
Stay turned for the next addition..... my boys.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Well, here I am. Now what?
It seems like I've been married forever, had kids forever, and completely forgotten who I am. Honestly, I see myself as a wife, and mother foremost, what do you do after the lil birds leave the nest? Actualy only one of my lil birdies has left, but they're all grown up now. My boys just finished high school, and are about to start on their own journey in life. It's scary for me, because you can only protect them for so long, and then they have to stand on their own two feet.
I say it seems like I've been married and a mom forever, because honestly, I don't even remember what my interest were before it all started. I married the day after I turned 18 ... almost 27 years ago. I went from a teenager living at home to a wife. 5 years later, I had a beautiful little girl. 4 years after that, here came my twin boys. So you see, I've had my hands full for a while. Throw in the fact that I've worked full time, and you can see how I lost who I was.
Now, that my kids are grown, it's the perfect time to work on building myself spiritually again. No longer are there little kids in tow to take to the meetings and out in the ministry. They're doing just fine on their own now. Sometimes as a mother when you're taking your children to the meetings by yourself, you can get a feeling of being left behind. That's where I am now. So many years of not being able to pay attention, and then spending all my time on helping my young ones flourish. So, that's my goal for the rest of this year. Taking small steps, setting small goals and reaching them one at a time. I have a ton of support from a few close friends that are very encouraging, and there to listen whenever. I thank Jehovah for them everyday!
Well, I think this is enough to get me started for now. Next time, I'll introduce you to my kids!